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TWI Training Solutions Inc.
is the premier provider of and resource for your leadership and employee training improvement needs. Focusing on satisfying the five needs of a leader.

This is accomplished by analyzing your businesses challenges and applying the appropriate tools, training, and coaching in a TOTAL solution model addressing.


Job Instruction (JI) is a streamlined method of instruction. Using key tools such as, the four step method and the five needs of good supervisors, JI aims to reduce training time, reduce scrap and rework, limit workplace accidents and increase overall job satisfaction.
Over an, easy to digest, 5 two-hour session trainees will learn tools to help them in their objective to become good supervisors. JI will help your company get the “know how” over, quicker and easier providing both, new and experienced workers, knowledge to get a person to quickly remember to do a job correctly, safely and conscientiously.

Job Relations (JR) builds positive employee relationships while increasing motivation and cooperation and effectively resolving conflict. The four step method taught in this module of training teaches not to jump the gun when it comes to your employees. With the process of getting the facts, weight and decide, take action and check results, companies can maintain good working relations and achieve increased productivity, improved attendance, better morale and higher employee retention rates.

Union Job Relations (UJR) follows the same ideology and principles as Job Relations with a customized plan for union stewards and leaders. The foundations and four step methods are modeled around creating positive union relationships.

Job Methods (JM) aims to produce greater quality of products in less time by make greater use of people, machines and materials currently available. Trainees are taught how to breakdown their jobs into their constituent operations. Every detail of the job is examined to determine room for improvement.

New methods are developed by eliminating, combining, rearranging and simplifying steps in the process. Using JM companies have reduced cost through productivity gains, increased throughput, and reduced work in process.

One of the things trainees learn about in Job Instruction is key points. Key points are NOT the work sequence, but the "how-to" of the job and key points are the focal point for Job Safety (JS).

In JS trainees will learn how to analyze safety hazards, spot hazards standardize the job, improve communication, train people to think systematically safety, and get people to see the link between standardization and safety. Companies that have put JS training into practice have seen an 80% reduction of accidents.

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