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Training Within Industry

We plan, instruct, and deploy your TWI Training Solution On-Site.

72 plus Years

Improving leader effectiveness, training within industry (twi) 72+ years of  exceptional leadership substantive training in personal, process and organizational discipline helping you improve, prevent, and correct those things that get in the way of achieving your businesses goals.

Your Premier Provider

TWI Training Solutions Inc. is the premier provider of and resource for your leadership and employee training improvement needs. Focusing on satisfying the five needs of a leader; Knowledge of work, Knowledge of responsibility, Skill in Improving Methods, Skill in Instruction, Skill in Leading.

Providing The Tools to Succeed

Training Within Industry (TWI) consists of standardized programs addressing the essential skills needed by supervisors and  team leaders.

TWI has been successfully applied in many industries and vocations in union and non union environments.


Quickly training employees to do a job correctly, safely, and conscientiously.  The demands of developing a flexible workforce and training employees require standardized best practices. JI teaches how to effectively breakdown a job and deliver instruction for an individual tasks. Developing and delivering training in this structured fashion fosters the conditions for process stability. JI is broken down into five, easily to digest 2 hour sessions.


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